Five Ways Being a Dad Can Help You in an Interview
Do you ever feel that when you talk to your children either you are being interviewed or you are interviewing them? That process is creating a bond between you and your child, a bond you are trying to strengthen. The interview process is not much different. You want to create a lasting bond and build relationships with the interview team. Here are five ways being a Dad can help you in an interview and win the hearts of your interviewees!
1. Ask the questions that show you care.
When you are asking your kid questions in the car ride home how their day was or you are sitting at the dinner table and ask what they learned today, you are showing a general interest and love to your child. How many times do you hear, “Dad, you ask me that every day.” When this happens, you usually receive little response. Have you found that when you try to ask your kid questions in a different way or ask other types of questions, they are more interested and more responsive?
Employers are the same way. Just as it shows your child that you are interested in them, asking your potential employer the right questions will do the same thing. But don’t ask the questions everyone is asking…stand out by asking more engaging questions.
2. Be prepared.
When you take your family to the beach or on that vacation you have been longing for all year, are you prepared? Do you give your child a list of what to pack and expect that they will be prepared on their own? No, you double check the list, you make your own list, and you bring items with you that will ensure your family is prepared. You want your child to have everything they need.
This is the same for an interview. Don’t assume the hiring team has your resume ready or knows who to reach out to for references. Bring multiple copies of your resume and references, carry an extra pen, bring a notepad, have a cheat sheet with you of those engaging questions you want to ask. As you would print off the check-in agenda for your family trip, be sure to bring your interview agenda with the contact phone numbers and address with you for your interview so you do not get lost.
3. Dress the part.
Whether it is your child’s ball game, dance recital, National Honor Society induction, graduation, or their wedding…you dress the part. These events are the most precious moments of their lives, and you don’t want to embarrass them. You iron your shirt and press your pants.
Why would you do any less for the job interview that could change your life and that of your family? Don’t be afraid to ask your recruiter what they expect. You don’t want to be too excessive, and you certainly don’t want to be under dressed. Think about safety as well; just as you wouldn’t wear flip flops to a briar patch with your kid, you wouldn’t wear them to a manufacturing plant either. Find out if you are going on a tour of the facility and need steel-toed shoes, for example.
4. What not to talk about.
Your significant other and you have likely have discussions on what is okay to talk about with your child and what’s not okay. If not, you have likely thought about it yourself. The questions might be perfectly okay, but there is a right time and a right place. I wouldn’t talk to my child about the birds and the bees when they are one or two years old, it is just too soon.
There are many topics that you should wait to talk about with your potential employer too. Things that might be too soon for an initial interview are salary, benefits, turnover in their department, disciplinary procedures, holidays, vacation, and sick leave. It’s okay to think about those things in advance – reflect to prepare yourself for how you would navigate the discussion, but you shouldn’t bring them up too soon.
5. Show appreciation and be humble.
Our children love it when we are both humble and appreciative. When my kid does the dishes, I relish in that moment. I want it to happen again. If it goes unnoticed, my kid will likely not do it on their own. If I show appreciation and acknowledge my child for their time and their work, they will remember it!
You want the hiring team to remember you too. Sending a quick note or follow-up does two things; it shows that you appreciate their time, and it shows that you care enough about the position by showing interest. They are more likely to remember you in a positive light, just as your child does.
We invest so much time, thought, and care into being a good parent. We want the best for our children. Put the time, thought, and care into the interview process, and you just might be able to give it to them (your best). They deserve it and so do you. I hope you’ve learned at least five ways being a dad can help you in an interview.
Erik Gaskill, Proud Dad | Professional Recruiter
Feeling the jitters and need more interview prep? Check out this Interview Guide by Indeed.