Our new website!
I am excited to announce the launch of our new look at www.htijobs.com! You will notice a lot of changes and functionality as you explore each page on the new site. Employment Solutions as well as Manufacturing Solutions each have their own site linked to our home site. We have added a Blog as well as an interactive calender. We also are doing RSS feeds from well known HR sites so we have fresh, daily updates on content regarding Human Resources.
Additionally we have launched the first phase of our online recruitment modules. These are critical to our growth. More and more we are seeing the importance of being able to take “real time” applications from people who might be looking for jobs at night or on weekends. This gives us a “24/7” recruiting reach. Be patient! We are still working through the process of how to manage the online application flow. We hope that as we make that piece work, it will continue to give our customers the best recruiting reach provided by anyone in the Southeast!
Finally, we are always looking for new ideas! If you run into an issue or have an idea for a new feature feel free to email us at info@htijobs.com. We are always looking to improve, and we want you back on our site often!