What Is Our “Why”?
One of the things that always amazes me about the people I work with at HTI is the level of knowledge and passion they each have for the area they work in each day. The expertise they demonstrate and share with others can be inspiring.
When we began Human Technologies, Inc. in 1999 we wanted to build a company that would be a preeminent resource to companies in the Southeast on the effective way to select, manage, and lead people. We believe that people are a company’s most important resource. We live by that belief at HTI every day. And as we have grown, our knowledge and expertise have grown as we have studied best practices from other companies and developed our own internal best practices surrounding hiring, training and development, organizational structure, and employee relations. This involves a whole host of areas: safety, metrics, employee engagement, training, compensation, etc.
I want to see HTI share its knowledge with other companies in the Upstate and throughout the Southeast. I remember as a younger business owner, wishing that I could talk with someone about decisions involving people and leadership. That memory has stayed with me, and I want HTI to strive to be a resource for other companies seeking to learn and improve at being a place where people “love” to work.
This blog will touch on a range of topics that we believe will be useful to others. At HTI, we have something we call “Our Why”. A company’s “why” is the company’s instinctive answer to “why do we exist”. At HTI, we believe that everyone we touch should be better off for having interacted with us. This blog is for you. It will sometimes be factual. It at times will stretch your thinking. Other times it may be a call to action. However, it will always be genuine and honest.
If you have a topic you would like to see addressed or if your company is going through changes and you need help, let us know.
We want you to be better for having met us.